Table 3

- Binary logistic regression: influence of the demographic characteristics, type and stability of vitiligo on the risk of high Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) scores.

CharacteristicsDLQI scoreUnadjusted OR (95%CI)P-valueAdjusted OR (95%CI)
 <median (%)>median (%)   
Age groups (years)
<3083 (52.9)74 (47.1)Reference  
>3049 (51.0)47 (49.0)1.08(0.65-1.79)0.77 
Male51 (58.6)36 (41.4)Reference0.08 
Female81 (48.8)85 (51.2)1.49(0.88-2.51) 
Marital status
Married31 (38.3)50(61.7)2.29(1.33-3.94)<0.01*2.08(1.11-3.61)*
Single101 (58.7)71 (41.3)Reference
Education level
High school or less38 (46.3)44 (53.7)1.41(0.83-2.40)0.19 
University or higher94 (55.0)77 (45.0)Reference 
Occupational status
Not Working81 (48.8)85 (51.2)1.49(0.88-2.51)0.13 
Working51 (58.6)36 (41.4)Reference 
Type of vitiligo
Non-segmental90 (47.6)99 (52.4)2.10(1.16-3.79)0.01*1.60(0.84-3.03)
Segmental42 (65.6)22 (34.4)Reference
Stability of vitiligo
Stable53 (62.4)32 (37.6)Reference0.02*1.50(0.84-2.68)
Progressive79 (47.0)89 (53.0)1.87(1.09-3.18)  
  • *Statistically significant p<0.05. OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval