Appendix 2

- Predictive performance of the AGD cutoffs.

Gestation ageAGD cutoff (mm)AccSensSpecPPVNPV+LH-LHAUCP-value
11 weeks>5.1068%72%64%68%68%2.000.500.7380.001
12 weeks>6.0770%74%64%72%66%2.060.490.752<0.001
13 weeks>7.1764%69%59%67%60%1.680.590.6460.017

A positive result indicates the identification of male gender. Acc: Accuracy, Sens: sensitivity, Spec: specificity, PPV: positive predictive value, NPV: negative predictive value,+LR: positive likelihood ratio, –LR: negative likelihood ratio, and AUC: area under the curve