Table 1

- Summarizing intraoperative and postoperative complications of cochlear implantation (CI) (N=176).

Complicationsn (%)
Intraoperative complications (n=11, 6%)
Accidental exposure of the dura3 (2)
Bleeding3 (2)
Gusher2 (1)
Accidental exposure of the facial nerve1 (0.5)
Injury to external auditory canal1 (0.5)
Pain that required conversion to general anesthesia1 (0.5)
Major postoperative complications (n=3, 2%)
Severe pain that needed CI explantation1 (0.5)
Device malfunctioning2 (1)
Minor postoperative complications (n=38, 18%)
Vertigo11 (6)
Redness and pain at the implant site8 (5)
Facial twitching/paresis7 (4)
Dizziness and tinnitus3 (2)
Taste disturbance2 (1)