Table 2

- Assessment of older participants experience during the use of the health passport.

Itemsn (%)
Duration of having health passport
<2 months167 (28.6)
2-3 months320 (54.8)
4-5 months51 (8.7)
≥6 months46 (7.9)
Did (the doctor-nurse) help you understand the passport content?
No19 (1.9)
Yes1001 (98.1)
Did you use the health passport when you needed medical service in the past 3 months?
No341 (33.5)
Yes678 (66.5)
If yes, did you use it?
Irregular249 (33.3)
Regular499 (66.7)
Is the time it takes to fill in your passport information for each visit:
Unsuitable187 (18.5)
Suitable825 (81.5)
Did you read the health information in the passport or did one of your companions read it?
No169 (16.6)
Yes850 (83.4)
If yes, Is the health information provided in the passport clear and understandable?
No59 (6.5)
Yes842 (93.5)
Did you do screening tests for detection of any chronic disease?
No169 (17.0)
Yes823 (83.0)
Are you motivated to continue using the health passport regularly?
No188 (18.8)
Yes814 (81.2)
What is your impression of using the health passport?
Not useful61 (6.2)
Somewhat212 (21.5)
Useful392 (39.7)
Very useful323 (32.7)
Do you advise others to use the health passport?
No92 (9.5)
Yes875 (90.5)