Table 5

- Relative risk of adverse pregnancy outcome due to obesity.

OutcomeOverweight or obese (BMI >25)Normal BMI (<25)Relative risk (95% CI)P-value
Macrosomia35 (1.8)5 (0.5)3.846 (1.511-9.787)0.002*
Preterm415 (21.2)216 (20.1)1.056 (0.912-1.222)0.469
Apgar 1 min56 (2.9)39 (3.6)0.789 (0.528-1.1790.247
Apgar 5 min25 (1.3)18 (1.7)0.763 (0.418-1.392)0.377
Cesarean section926 (47.4)337 (31.4)1.510 (1.366-1.668)<0.001*
Incomplete and manual placenta removal162 (8.3)62 (5.8)1,436 (1.082-1.905)0.011*
>300 ml blood loss524 (26.8)192 (17.9)1.499 (1.294-1.738)<0.001*

Values are presented as number and percentage (%). Chi-square test was used. The test of significance was carried out at the 0.05 level.

*Significant results