Appendix 1

- Time of death in relation to demographic and clinical characteristics, bivariate analysis of mortalities time of death (working/after hours).

DemographicsTime of deathTest statisticP-value
Working hours (n=31)After hours (n=70)
n (%)
Female20 (64.5)32 (45.7)χ2(1)=3.040.081
Male11 (35.5)38 (54.3)
Age (months), mean±SD52±57.348.91±51.9t (99)=0.300.786
Hospital admission time26 (83.9)60 (85.7)χ2(1)=0.10.810
Length of stay
Hospital, median (Qrt.1, Qrt.3)10 (5, 30)9.5 (2, 37)U (101)=10340.707
PICU, median (Qrt.1, Qrt.3)7 (4,18)7.5 (2, 20)U (101)=10710.921
Mode of death
F-CPR15 (48.4)36 (51.4)χ2(1)=4.10.778
WLST14 (45.2)29 (41.4)χ2(1)=0.1220.726
Brain death2 (6.5)5 (7.1)χ2(1)=0.0200.900
Presented with infections upon admission19 (61.3)44 (62.9)χ2(1)=0.0220.881
DNR order15 (48.4)35 (50)χ2(1)=0.0220.881
Cause of death
Shock - septic15 (48.4)16 (22.8)χ2(6)=11.3750.078
Lower respiratory infection3 (9.7)16 (22.8)
Cardiac diseases5 (16.1)7 (10.0)
Respiratory failure secondary to CNS disease2 (6.4)10 (14.3)
Tumors1 (3.2)6 (8.6)
Pulmonary hemorrhage2 (6.4)4 (5.7)
Others*3 (9.7)11 (15.7)
  • * Others include: renal failure, liver failure, primary immunodeficiency, trauma, massive stroke, CNS infections, and intracranial hemorrhage. SD: standard deviation, Qrt.1: first quartile, Qrt.3: third quartile, PICU: pediatric intensive care unit, F-CPR: failed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, WLST: withholding life-sustaining treatment, DNR: do not resuscitate, CNS: central nervous system