Table 2

- The outcomes of the participants (N=45).

Factorsn (%)
Cause of death
COVID-19 related death24 (53.3)
Tracheostomy related death1 (2.2)
No death20 (44.4)
Weaning from ventilator
Successfully weaned from mechanical ventilation11 (24.4)
On ventilation at the time of data collection9 (20.0)
Death25 (55.6)
Duration from tracheostomy to death (in days), mean±SD (min - max)10.64±6.90 (2-25)
Duration from tracheostomy to weaning (in days)* mean±SD (min - max)27.92±20.21 (2-82)
  • COVID-19: coronavirus disease -19, SD: standard deviation, *: survivors