Table 3

- Cross tabulations of the severity of side effects with sample characteristics.

VariablesNo side effect reportedMinorMajorChi-square (χ2)P-value
Male89 (42.6)106 (50.7)14 (6.7)73.32<0.001
Female13 (6.9)132 (70.2)43 (22.9)
Age group (in years)
27-3670 (22.9)190 (62.1)46 (15.0)10.190.03*
37-4624 (35.3)33 (48.5)11 (16.2)
47-568 (34.8)15 (65.2)0 (0.0)
Saudi70 (34.8)114 (56.7)17 (8.5)23.80<0.001
Non-Saudi32 (16.3)124 (63.3)40 (20.4)
Educational qualification
Bachelors degree65 (25.0)156 (60.0)39 (15.0)5.220.27
Masters degree24 (23.8)66 (65.3)11 (10.9)
Doctorate13 (36.1)16 (44.4)7 (19.4)
Physician26 (30.2)52 (60.5)8 (9.3)10.600.10
Pharmacist37 (21.6)113 (66.1)21 (12.3)
Nurse18 (32.1)27 (48.2)11 (19.6)
Other HCP21 (25.0)46 (54.8)17 (20.2)
Type of vaccine
Covishield (Oxford-AstraZeneca)34 (11.7)208 (71.5)49 (16.8)112.08<0.001
Pfizer (Pfizer BioNTech)68 (64.2)30 (28.3)8 (7.5)
Comorbidities/current medical condition
Diabetes4 (30.8)8 (61.5)1 (7.7)3.680.72*
Hypertension/cardiac disorders7 (43.8)7 (43.8)2 (12.5)
Others7 (21.2)22 (66.7)4 (12.1)
No serious medical condition84 (25.1)201 (60.0)50 (14.9)
Known allergies
No allergies96 (27.8)223 (64.6)26 (7.5)99.69<0.001
Allergies present6 (11.5)15 (28.8)31 (59.6)
Current medications
Currently not on any medications77 (21.5)232 (64.8)49 (13.7)40.30<0.001
Currently taking medications25 (64.1)6 (15.4)8 (20.5)
Previous COVID-19 infection
Yes95 (27.1)209 (59.7)46 (13.1)5.490.06
No7 (14.9)29 (61.7)11 (23.4)
  • Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%). HCP: health care professional, * Fisher exact (p<0.05)