Table 2

- Area under curve and cut-off points of the indices of insulin resistance and adiposity to predict obesity-related morbidity in the studied population.

CharacteristicsAUC (95% CI)Cut point (sensitivity; specificity)P-value
BMI SDS0.639 (0.573-0.705)2.025 (71; 55)<0.001
WC (cm)0.638 (0.562-0.713)97.25 (53.9; 70.1)<0.001
HOMA-IR0.677 (0.597-0.757)4.527 (56.5; 74.6)<0.001
FI (mlU/L)0.639 (0.561-0.718)19.2 (54.9; 69)<0.001
BIA TBF%0.657 (0.558-0.756)46.15 (62.8; 62.8)0.002
BIA VF0.638 (0.534-0.742)15.2 (65.4; 56.8)0.009
  • AUC: area under curve, CI: confidence interval, BMI SDS: body mass index standard deviation score, WC: waist circumference, HOMA-IR: homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance, FI: fasting insulin, BIA TBF%: bioimpedance analysis derived total body fat percentage, BIA VF: bioimpedance-derived visceral fat level. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05.