Table 4

- Summary of studies on the association of the rs8050136 variant of FTO gene with obesity and T2DM.

AuthorYearRegionRisk allele frequencyP-value
Xiao et al142016China0.310.280.014
Votsi et al152017Cyprus0.41-0.006
Rong et al162009USA0.150.140.800
Hotta et al182011Japan0.400.450.000
Ramya et al192012India0.140.11<0.0001
Chauhan et al202011India0.350.340.36
Vatankhah et al262020Iran0.760.740.132
Bego et al272019West Balkan0.500.460.659
Almawi et al282013Lebanon0.490.55-
Al-Sinani et al292015Oman0.460.430.770
Nikitin et al302017Russia0670.670.100
Gamboa et al312012Mexico0.190.20.278
van Herpt et al322017Netherlands0.410.380.45
Xiao et al372015China0.310.270.027
  • FTO: fat mass and obesity-associated, T2DM:n type 2 diabetes mellitus