Table 3

- Comparison of ORL symptoms according to severity of COVID-19 (N=1734).

SymptomsSeverity of COVID-19P-value*
Mild (n=898)Moderate - severe (n=836)
n (%)
Anosmia408 (45.4)393 (47.0)0.504
Loss of taste398 (44.3)385 (46.1)0.451
Waking up at night348 (38.8)350 (41.9)0.183
Excessive daytime sleep337 (37.5)348 (41.6)0.081
Morning headache342 (38.1)336 (40.2)0.399
Sore throat331 (36.9)322 (38.5)0.49
Hyposmia316 (35.2)313 (37.4)0.331
Nasal congestion302 (33.6)297 (35.5)0.405
Difficulty falling asleep296 (33.0)283 (33.9)0.685
Sneezing255 (28.4)240 (28.7)0.89
Voice change260 (29.0)233 (27.9)0.612
Rhinorrhea253 (28.2)236 (28.2)0.909
Foreign body sensation in throat245 (27.3)227 (27.2)0.95
Hoarseness of voice231 (25.7)226 (27.0)0.539
Voice fatigue235 (26.2)221 (26.4)0.924
Dizziness217 (24.2)208 (24.9)0.69
Breathlessness during speaking215 (23.9)200 (23.9)0.99
Odynophagia204 (22.7)197 (23.6)0.68
Heart burn190 (21.2)199 (23.8)0.181
Facial pain/pressure166 (18.5)173 (20.7)0.3
Postnasal drip172 (19.2)161 (19.3)0.908
Abrupt awakenings accompanied by gasping148 (16.5)159 (19.0)0.161
Dysphagia145 (16.1)148 (17.7)0.374
Ear pain pressure137 (15.3)143 (17.1)0.301
Loud snoring112 (12.5)133 (15.9)0.042
Tinnitus106 (11.8)126 (15.1)0.041
Ear fullness99 (11.0)100 (12.0)0.514
Epistaxis42 (4.7)46 (5.5)0.39
Loss of voice40 (4.5)45 (5.4)0.387
Hearing loss22 (2.4)47 (5.6)0.001
Otorrhea22 (2.4)23 (2.8)0.689

ORL: otorhinolaryngology, COVID-19: coronavirus disease-19, *Chi-square test