Table 5

- Comparisons of the laboratory parameters among patients admitted in the intensive care unit.

CharacteristicsICU admission (−)ICU admission (+)P-value
Mean ± SDMedian–RangeMean ± SDMedian–Range
Age, years28.89 ± 6.0628–3032.43 ± 7.4634–220.154*
Gestational week at admission25.4 ± 10.0527–3429.43 ± 8.9433–230.284*
White blood cells8.57 ± 3.167.9–14.16.83 ± 2.475.8–6.80.084
Lymphocyte19.49 ± 7.7818.4–43.619.86 ± 6.0620.7–16.70.810*
Neutrophil73.23 ± 10.2174.2–80.1974.81 ± 7.0672.7–20.20.818*
Hemoglobin11.54 ± 1.5511.7–7.811.49 ± 1.1511.5–30.887
Hematocrit39.27 ± 33.5136.5–378.535.83 ± 3.2336.2–8.90.698
Platelet237.02 ± 71.28230–477224 ± 34.26230–960.722
Glucose90.95 ± 28.1384–201106 ± 29.92108–790.155
Urea14.07 ± 5.2213–2615.29 ± 4.9616–120.476*
Creatinine0.52 ± 0.080.5–0.40.54 ± 0.050.5–0.10.351*
Aspartate transaminase28.26 ± 41.419–35956.29 ± 68.0934–1920.064
Alanine transaminase23.65 ± 41.815–40144.29 ± 73.8416–2030.439
Lactate dehydrogenase245.19 ± 94.83224.5–484295 ± 81.17300–2280.070
D-dimer736.84 ± 1049.08413.5–6277769.57 ± 986.89411–27630.939
C-reactive protein18.4 ± 24.411.2–13062.3 ± 46.6989.3–107.20.010
Ferritin66.99 ± 89.230–452137.86 ± 113.5137–3210.081
Procalcitonin0.11 ± 0.180.05–0.90.2 ± 0.150.21–0.420.041
Vitamin D15.25 ± 9.4812.55–32.218.2 ± 5.9418.2–8.40.732

*Indicates the p-values obtained from student’s t-test, whereas all other p-values were obtained from Mann–Whitney U test. Bold values denote statistical significance at the p<0.05 level. ICU: intensive care unit, SD: Standard deviation