Table 1

- Mixed factorial ANOVAs for subjective parameters (B-MEPS and NVFAS).

GroupAdmission to OT (Mean±SD)After skin suturing (Mean±SD)2 hours postoperative (Mean±SD)F for time (P-value)F for group (P-value)F for time* group interaction (P-value)
B-MEPS   1284.153 (0.000)109.511 (0.000)61.307 (0.000)
VR group30.74±3.1314.21±2.1612.76±1.27   
Control group31.17±2.8417.32±2.2515.41±1.69   
F(P-value)1.784(0.183)173.579 (0.000)273.635 (0.000)   
NVFAS   1454.845 (0.000)292.192 (0.000)396.826 (0.000)
VR group9.07±0.882.09±1.191.00±0.95   
Control group9.20±0.874.21±0.973.41±0.91   

Bold values indicate a significant difference between groups (p<0.05). OT: operating theatre, VR: virtual reality, B-MEPS: brief measure of emotional preoperative stress, NVFAS: novel visual facial anxiety scale