Table 1

- Basic characteristics of patients in both groups.

VariableEmpagliflozin (n=45)Placebo (n=48)P-value
Age (years)55 (45.5–64)57 (50–66.75)0.370
Male27 (60.0)29 (60.4)0.967
Female18 (40.0)19 (39.6)
Duration of diabetes (years)6 (4-8)6 (9-2)0.753
Smoking9 (20.0)8 (16.7)0.679
Underlying disease
CKD4 (8.9)3 (6.3)0.632
Hypertension26 (57.8)32 (66.7)0.379
CVA1 (2.2)2 (4.2)0.598
STEMI27 (60.0)23 (50.0)0.335
Non-STEMI2 (4.4)4 (8.3)0.448
unstable angina16 (35.6)21 (43.8)0.422
Number of vessels involved
115 (33.3)19 (36.6)0.543
215 (33.3)15 (31.3)
315 (33.5)14 (29.2)

The numbers are presented as interquartile range (IQR) or frequency (percentage). Significance level: p<0.05. CKD: chronic kidney disease, CVA: cerebrovascular accident, ACS: acute coronary syndrome, STEMI: ST-elevation myocardial infarction