Table 2

- The data items extracted.

AuthorsPatients characteristicsIntervention groupControl group/UCResults
Lymphoma percentageIntervention groupControl group
Van Dongen et al26109 participants recently treated with autologous stem cell transplantation (MM: 58 (53.2) or lymphoma: 51 (46.8)n=54/48 Mean age: 53.5±20.67 M= 32 (59)n=55/45 Mean age: 56±19.67 M= 37 (67)18-weeks High-intensity resistance and interval training ex’s.No exercise intervention86% patients showed up in average of 10 sessions of supervised exercise in IG. Result showed up to 25% improvement in physical fitness. Fatigue level was improved in both groups with no different.
Furzer et al2437 haematological cancer having completed treatment (NHL: 27 (73), HL: 6 (16), MM: 4 (11)n=18 Mean age: 48.2±12.3 (range: 22-64)n=19 Mean age: 49.6±14.1 (range: 25-68)12 weeks tailored exercise intervention which includes progressed cardiovascular training and resistance program.Did not complete any structured exercise.Provided diary & general healthy life-style adviceThe physiological outcomes showed a significant improvement in: cancer related fatigue, cardiovascular fitness, QoL, and body composition.
Chuang et al1796 NHL patients who underwent their first course of chemotherapyn=48 Mean age: 55.85±16.78 M= 26 (27.1) F= 22 (22.9)n=48 Mean age: 64.54±15.51 M= 29 (30.2) F= 19 (19.8)A Chan-Chuang Qigong program for 21 days.The nursing guidance booklet is modified and tailored to patients with NHLNo interventionIt showed significant decreased in fatigue intensity and interference in the qigong group. Also, improvement in the IG in white blood cell counts, hemoglobin levels, sleep quality, and QOL.
Yeh et al19108 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients who were undergoing chemotherapy (1st cycle chemotherapy)n=51 M= 28 (54.9) F= 23 (45.1)n=51 M= 29 (56.9) F= 22 (43.1)Chan-Chuang qigong for 21 daysUsual careThe qigong group showed a significant decreased over time in the average fatigue, worse fatigue, and overall sleep.
Mean age: 59.79±16.54 years (range 23-90 years)
Courneya et al23122 lymphoma receiving chemotherapy or no treatments.n=57n=60Supervised aerobic exercise program (bike).Telephone follow-up of missed sessions.Asked not to increase their exercise during the intervention.Effects of aerobic exercise on sleep quality: improvement in global sleep quality compared with UC.
Mean age: 53 years F=48 and M=69
Courneya et al21122 lymphoma patientsn=60 Mean age: 52.8 (range: 18-77)n=62 Mean age: 53.5 (range: 18-80)12 weeks of supervised aerobic exercise program (gradual increase intensity)Not to increase their exercise during the interventionThere was no any statistically significant associations between exercise levels and cancer-specific mortality.
  • Values are presented as a number and (%), mean±standard deviatin (SD). AML: acute myeloid leukemia, ALL: acute lymphoblastic leukemia, HL: Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL: non-Hodgkin lymphoma, IG: intervention group, UC: usual care, M: male, F: female, QOL: quality of life