Table 3

- Predictors of early tympanostomy tube extrusion in logistic regression analysis.

VariablesOdd ratioP-value95% LCI95% UCI
Small tube diameter5.1440.006*1.60216.519
Age (≤5 years)1.5960.0950.9222.763
Male gender1.3770.2450.8032.360
Recurrent AOM1.3450.3040.7642.368
Concurrent adenoidectomy0.7610.5360.3201.808
Adenoid hypertrophy1.0640.8160.6301.797
Tympanometry type B0.6170.2700.2621.454
Absence of MEE1.0750.7360.7081.631
  • * Significant at p<0.05 level. LCI: lower confidence interval, UCI: upper confidence interval, AOM: acute otitis media, MEE: middle ear effusion