Table 1

- Characteristics of the included studies.

Author (year)TitleDesignNo. of study participants (medicated / unmedicated)Gender distribution(boys/girls) and raceAge groupBMI range and obesity criteria usedType of medication used for ADHD
Curtin et al24 (2005)Prevalence of overweight in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorders: a chart reviewRetrospective chart review98 (32 / 66)(79 / 19)Whites, African American, Hispanics3 to 18 yearsObesity was defined as >95% percentile of the CDC growth chartsStimulant medications (methylphenidate and amphetamine salts) used
Visser et al25 (2007)National estimates and factors associated with medication treatment for childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderNational Survey of Children’s Health data6497 (3746 / 2751)(4683 / 1814)Hispanic and Latino4 to 17 years Stimulant medications used
Waring and Lapne26 (2008)Overweight in children and adolescents in relation to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: results from a national sampleCross-sectional study5680 (2424 / 3256)(4101 / 1579)Hispanic and non-Hispanic blacks and whites5 to 17 yearsObesity was defined as >95% percentile of the CDC growth chartsNA
Dubnov-Raz & Berger27 (2011)BMI of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderRetrospective chart review275 (135 / 140)NA Jewish6 to 16 years oldOverweight and obesity was defined as >85% and >95% percentile of the CDC growth chartsStimulant medication (methylphenidate) used
Kim et al28 (2011)Health behaviors and obesity among US children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by gender and medication useCross-sectional study6070 (3580 / 2490)(4356 / 1714)Hispanic and African American6 to 17 yearsObesity was defined as >95% percentile of the CDC growth chartsStimulant medications used
Byrd & Curtain29 (2013)Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and obesity in US males and females, age 8-15 years: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001-2004National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey412 (185 / 227)(275 / 137)Non-Hispanic whites and blacks Mexican Americans8 to 15 yearsObesity was defined as >95% percentile of the CDC growth chartsNA
Spencer et al30 (2014)Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and adverse health outcomes in adultsCross-sectional study198 (98 / 100)(93 / 105) Caucasian8 to 18 yearsNAStimulant medications used
Hanć et al31 (2015)ADHD and overweight in boys: cross-sectional study with birth weight as a controlled factorCross-sectional study219 (79 / 140)All 219 boys Polish6 to 18 yearsNAStimulant medications used
  • ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, US: United States, NA: not available, &: and, BMI: body mass index, CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, No.: number