Table 2

- Clinical characteristics, comorbidities, specimen contamination, history of coronavirus disease-19, and clinical courses.

Case No.DepartmentChief complaintComorbiditiesHead/facial traumaSpecimen contamination by blood*COVID-19 historyPulmonary symptomsIsolation period**
1ERLow abdominal painNoneNone-NoneNone4 hours
Final diagnosis: pelvic inflammatory disease. Outcomes: outpatient follow-up without hospitalization.
2ERDecreased mentality (semicoma)Hypertension Cerebral aneurysmNone-NoneNone5.5 hours
Final diagnosis: Lt. middle cerebral artery aneurysm rupture. Outcomes: after confirming the negative COVID-19 result of the real-time RT-PCR test, aneurysm coiling and aneurysm clipping with decompressive craniectomy were carried out; expired on POD11 (surgical delays***: 4 hours).
3ERChest pain, feverTotal thyroidectomy state (due to thyroid cancer; TFT: n-s)None-Recovered COVID-19 patient (isolation lifted 6 days ago)Mild dyspnea4 hours
Final diagnosis: R/O chostochondritis. Outcomes: outpatient follow-up without hospitalization.
4Trauma centerTA (bicyclists),chest painNoneFacial abrasionNot reportedNoneMild dyspnea13 hours
Final diagnosis: facial abrasion; Rt. 6-9th rib fx.; Rt. minimal pneumothorax. Outcomes: after admission, conservative treatment was carried out; discharged after 3 days
5Trauma centerCrushing injuryNonePanfacial fx.Bloody sampleNoneDyspnea5 hours
Final diagnosis: panfacial fracture; Lt. upper arm amputation; Lt. 1-7th rib fx.; Lt. scapular fracture. Outcomes: after confirming the negative COVID-19 result of the confirmatory rRT-PCR test, Lt. arm wound closure was carried out; open reduction and internal fixation were carried out for pan facial fracture, scapular fracture, and rib fracture; discharged on POD26 (surgical delays: 5.5 hours).
6ERDyspneaUncontrolled hypertension, ESRD on HD, A-fib, and CHFNone-Recovered COVID-19 patient (isolation lifted 14 days ago)Dyspneaone day
Final diagnosis: CHF exacerbation (EF 50%->20%) and pulmonary edema. Outcomes: after emergency hemodialysis, cardiopulmonary function recovered; discharged after 4 days
7ERPreterm laborIntrauterine pregnancy (30weeks)None-Recovered COVID-19 patient (isolation lifted 8 days ago)Noneone day
Final diagnosis: preturm labor. Outcomes: emergency vaginal delivery was carried out in the ER; discharged after 2 days
8ERDecreased mentality (drowsy)Mental retardation, bipolar disorderNone-Recovered COVID-19 patient (isolation lifted 45 days ago)Noneone day
Final diagnosis: catatonia. Outcomes: hospitalization and medication change, discharged after 29 days
9Trauma centerTA (pedestrian), decreased mentality (stupor)DMSkull fx.Not reportedNoneNone3 hours
Final diagnosis: traumatic SAH and SDH; multiple skull fx. Outcomes: after confirming positive rapid rRT-PCR test results, craniectomy was carried out in the negative pressure operating room with protective equipment (PAPRs), expired on POD3 (surgical delays: none).
10ERDesaturation (SpO2 50%, room air)Tracheostomy state for management of COVID-19 ARDS (33 days ago)None-Recovered COVID-19 patient (isolation lifted 9 days ago)Desaturation13 hours
Final diagnosis: tracheostomy associated pneumonia. Outcomes: removes secretions by suctioning the tracheostomy tube. After desaturation improved, the patient was transferred to a community hospital.
11Trauma centerTA (motorcyclist), cardiac arrest.NoneSkull and panfacial fx.Bloody sampleNoneNone20 hours
Final diagnosis: traumatic SAH and SDH; skull fx.; panfacial fx.; Rt. pneumothorax; Rt. femur fx. Outcomes: after one cycle of CPR, the patient had a return of spontaneous circulation. Without confirming the rapid rRT-PCR test results, decompressive craniectomy was carried out in a negative pressure operating room after wearing PAPRs; expired on POD1 (surgical delays: none).
12Trauma centerDrunken state, glass laceration injuries on both arm and abdomen.NoneNoneNot reportedNoneNone5 hours
Final diagnosis: glass laceration injuries on both upper arm and abdomen. Outcomes: after confirming the negative COVID-19 result of the confirmatory rRT-PCR test, wound closure was carried out; discharged on POD7 (surgical delays: 5 hours).
  • * Whether sample contamination by blood was documented in the clinical laboratory footnote for patients with physical injury or trauma.

  • ** Total isolation period for COVID-19 in our hospital.

  • *** Total delay in surgical intervention due to false-positive results in rapid rRT-PCR for COVID-19. ER: emergency room, POD: postoperative day, TFT: thyroid function test, n-s: nonspecific findings, R/O: rule out, TA: traffic accident, fx: fracture, ESRD: end-stage renal disease, HD: hemodialysis, CHF: chronic heart failure, EF; ejection fraction, DM; diabetes mellitus, rRT-PCR: real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction, SAH: subarachnoid hemorrhage, SDH: subdural hemorrhage, PAPR: powered air purifying respirator, ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome, SpO2: percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation