Table 3

- Laboratory investigations and their level of association with coronovirus diseases-19 outcome.

Laboratory characteristicsTotal patientsICU admissionNon-survivorsSurvivorsP-value
n=94 (100)n=57 (60.6)n=58 (61.7)n=36 (38.3)
White blood cells (WBC) (mean±SD)   11.9±6.510.8±4.10.372
 <47 (7.4)5 (71.4)6 (85.7)1 (14.3) 
White blood cells4-1143 (45.7)26 (60.4)23 (53.5)20 (46.5) 
 >1144 (46.8)26 (59)29 (65.9)15 (34.1) 
Hemoglobin (HB) (mean +/-SD)  12.3±212.5±212.4±20.995
Platelet (mean +/-SD)  230±100217±110242±750.229
Eythrocyte sedimentation rate (mean +/-SD) mm/hr.  95±3493±3386±270.295
Creactive protein (mean +/-SD) mg/l  177±128181±128124±800.021
D-dimer (mean +/-SD) ng/ml  3252±31343319±31041564±23220.04
Serum Ferritin (mean +/-SD) ng/ml  1494±14721471±1470935±5730.039
Lactate dehydrogenase (mean +/-SD) U/L  648±407645±404408±1870.01
B.Glucose (mean +/-)SD mg/dl  212±104228±107192±970.1
HBA1C (mean +/-SD) %  7.2±1.87.5±1.87.4±20.94
UREA (mean +/-SD) mg/dl  71±4269±4060±640.363
Creatinine (mean +/-SD) mg/dl  1.7±1.51.6±1.41.3±1.10.289
Alanine aminotransferase (mean +/-SD) U/L  47.3±3043±2740±240.648
Aspartate aminotransferase (mean +/-SD) U/L  56±5051±4645±360.495

Values are presented as number and percentages (%).