Table 1

- Patients’ demographics and surgical data.

VariablesGroup TGroup CP-values
Female17 (53.1)13 (40.6)0.316
Male15 (46.9)19 (59.4)
Age (year), mean±SD50.03±12.28651.13±11.2900.712
BMI (kg/m2), mean±SD27.641±5.28428.526±4.3830.468
ASA score
I3 (9.4)7 (21.9) 
II25 (78.1)19 (59.4)0.244
III4 (12.5)6 (18.8) 
Surgery type
Spinal instrumentation16 (50.0)13 (40.6)0.451
Lumbar discectomy16 (50.0)19 (59.4)
Surgical duration (minute), median (min-max)193 (120-360)180 (90-420)0.709

Values are presented as a number and precentage (%). SD: standard deviation, BMI: body mass index, ASA: American society of anesthesiologist, min: minimum, max: maximum