Table 4

- Duration of olfactory dysfunction’s (OD) from COVID-19 infection (N=193).

Time of diagnosisOD persistOD recoveredTotal OD recovery
During last week0 (0)3 (1.8)3 (1.6)
1 week to 1 month ago13 (44.8)13 (7.9)16 (8.3)
1 month to 2 months ago2 (6.9)22 (13.4)38 (19.7)
2 months to 3 months ago2 (6.9)20 (12.2)58 (30.1)
3 months to 4 months ago5 (17.2)18 (11.0)76 (39.6)
More than 4 months ago7 (24.1)88 (53.7)164 (85.0)
Total29 (100)164 (100)193

Values are presented as number and percentage (%).