Table 1

- Comparison of patients’ demographic data, Mallampati scores, intubation, surgery, and anesthesia times.

CharacteristicsGroup 1 n (33)Group 2 n (33)P-value
Mean±SDMedian (min–max)Mea±SDMedian (min–max)
Age (year)31.00±6.1632 (19-41)30.52±5.5731 (19-40)0.739**
Weight (kg)80.42±16.9881 (51-110)79.67±12.9278 (58-105)0.839**
Length (m)1.64±0.061.65 (1.51-1.75)1.64±0.061.63 (1.52-1.75)0.938*
BMI (kg/m2)29.77±5.4829.76 (21.39-38.06)29.49±3.9130 (21.26-35.86)0.812**
Mallampati score (I/II/III)9/16/813/12/80.306*
Intubation time (second)13.21±4.4712 (6-22)13.79±5.6912 (6-30)0.974*
Operation time (minute)49.58±9.6350 (30-75)52.48±9.4250 (40-75)0.250*
Anesthesia time (minute)58.42±10.6157 (35-90)63.27±12.5060 (45-90)0.113*

*Mann-Whitney U test, **Independent-samples t-tests, SD: standard deviation, Min: minimum, Max: maximum, Group 1: 3 minutes at normal tidal volume, Group 2: 30 seconds with the 4 deep vital capacity technique, BMI: body mass index