Table 3

- Comparison of fraction of expired oxygen values within and between groups.

TimeGroup 1 n (33)Group 2 n (33)P-value*
Mean±SDMedian (min.–max.)Mean±SDMedian (min.–max.)
T181.64 ± 7.0783 (62–91)c84.27 ± 9.8988 (56–95)b0.025
T276.27 ± 6.5477 (66–89)c80.85 ± 8.3482 (62–98)b0.009
T353.70 ± 6.0754 (42–65)b51.58 ± 3.8651 (45–60)a0.086
T449.21 ± 4.2450 (41–54)a49.30 ± 3.9550 (41–54)a0.732
  • * Mann-Whitney U test; Friedman test, SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum; Max: maximum, Ggoup 1: 3 min at normal tidal volume, Group 2: 30 s with the 4 deep vital capacity technique, T1: after preoxygenation, T2: immediately after intubation, T3: at the 3rd min after intubation, T4: at the 7th min after intubation, *P-value: Comparison between groups. P-value: Compared within the group, a-c. There is no difference between times with the same letter in a group.