Table 1

- Characteristics of the patients (N=65).

Variablesn (%)
Age, mean12.03
On which foot was the operation carried out?
Both feet
6 (9.2)
3 (4.6)
56 (86.1)
How much improvement was recognized in the shape of the foot, comparing before and after the operation?
Significant improvement
Partial improvement
No improvement
39 (60.0)
20 (30.8)
6 (9.2)
How much improvement was noticed in terms of foot pain, comparing before and after the operation?
Significant improvement
Partial improvement
No change in painIncrease in pain
27 (41.5)
26 (40.0)
6 (9.2)
6 (9.2)
How much improvement was noticed in the ability to walk, comparing before and after the operation?
Ability to walk long distances
Ability to walk short distances
Unable to walk
27 (41.5)
23 (35.4)
15 (23.1)
How much improvement was noticed in the ability to jump and play, comparing before and after the operation?
Significant improvement
Partial improvement
Unable to jump and play
23 (35.4)
19 (29.2)
23 (35.4)
How much improvement was noticed in the ability to wear shoes, comparing before and after the operation?
Significant improvement
Partial improvement
Unable to wear shoes
36 (55.4)
14 (21.5)
15 (23.1)
Was the metal fragment extracted after the procedure? (any duration postoperative)
4 (6.1)
61 (93.8)
If the answer to the previous question was yes, which foot was the metal fragment removed from?
Both feet
1 (25.0)
2 (50.0)
1 (25.0)
What was the duration before removal of the metal fragment?
<1 year
1-3 years
>3 years
1 (25.0)
2 (50.0)
1 (25.0)

Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).