Table 1

- Summary of the primary renal lymphoma cases from 2 tertiary hospitals in the Western regions of Saudi Arabia.

Patient no.Age/genderSpecimenSiteClinical presentationDiagnosisBone marrowRadiological findings
150/MBiopsyLeft kidPalpable mass and hematuriaDLBCL-veCT: hypodense lesion in the left kid. The spleen and liver are normal. No significantly enlarged LNs.
256/MBiopsyRight kidHematuria, flank painDLBCL-veUS: hypoechoic tumor with enlarged retrocaval lymph nodes. The spleen and liver are normal.
359/FBiopsy, referralRight kidHematuria, weight lossDLBCLNot carried outCT: hypodense lesion in the right kid (3.4x3.2x3 cm). No enlarged lymph nodes. Normal spleen and liver
461/MBiopsy, referralLeft kidPalpable mass and hematuriaDLBCL-veCT: enhancing mass involving left kid There are enlarged lymph nodes in paracaval region. The spleen and liver are normal.
563/FBiopsyLeft kidFlank painDLBCLNot availableNot available
623/MBiopsyLeft kidAbdominopelvic painBurkitt’s lymphoma-veCT: multiple hypodense lesions involving left kid. No enlarged lymph nodes. Normal spleen and liver
724/MBiopsyRight kidFlank pain and mild renal impairmentDLBCL-veUS: swollen right kid with paraaortic lymph node enlargement.
839/MBiopsyKid, bilateralChronic renal failure, bilaterally enlarged kid suggestive of glomerulonephritisBurkitt’s lymphoma-veCT: both kids enlarged with multiple hypodense lesions. No enlarged lymph nodes. Normal spleen and liver
953/MBiopsyRight kidHematuria, loss weight for 2 months, known hypothyroid and chronic renal failureDLBCL-veCT: hypodense lesion in the right kid. The spleen and liver are normal. No significantly enlarged LNs.
104/MBiopsyKid, bilateralBilateral renal enlargement with hepatomegalyBurkitt’s lymphoma-veCT: both kids are enlarged with no defined focal lesions. There are a few periaortic lymph nodes. Enlarged spleen with no focal lesion. Normal liver.
CT of orbits: this is involvement of both orbits and both maxillary sinuses.
1136/FBiopsyKid, bilateralEpistaxis, abdominal pain, vomiting, and bilateral enlarged kidDLBCL-veCT: significant intraabdominal lymphomatous infiltrative disease involving the abdominal organs namely both kids, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, adrenals, and intraabdominal and pelvic lymph nodes.
1252/FBiopsyLeft kidLeft renal massDLBCL-veCT: perinephric soft tissue lesion is seen involving the right kid (2.8x0.8 cm). No enlarged lymph nodes. The left kid is atrophic. Liver, spleen, and pancreas adrenal glands are normal.
1376/FBiopsyLeft kidLeft renal mass, hematuriaDLBCL-veCT: hypodense lesion in the left kid (3.6x4.3x3.4 cm). Similar lesion infiltrating focally the mid-portion of descending colon measuring (2.0x3.5 cm). There are multifocal hypodense splenic lesions. The pelvic organs are unremarkable.
1441/MRadical nephrectomyRight kidRight kid mass with enlarged paraaortic lymph nodeDLBCL-veCT: hypodense lesion with enlarged lymph nodes in paracaval region just below the level of renal vein measuring 2.3 cm.
1553/FBiopsyRight kidRight renal mass and flank painDLBCL-veCT: enhanced lesion in the right kid (4.6x3.9 cm). It shows slightly more extension towards the renal hilum. The left kid, liver, and spleen are unremarkable.
1661/MBiopsyTransplanted kidRenal mass, flank painPTLD, monomorphic, monoclonal, and EBV associated-B cell/DLBCLNot carried outCT: large enhancing retroperitoneal mass encasing and involving transplanted kid. There are multiple retroperitoneal, retrocaval, and bilateral inguinal lymph node enlargement.
1744/MBiopsyTransplanted kidRenal massPTLD, monomorphic, monoclonal, and EBV associated-B cell/DLBCL-veCT: enhancing mass involving transplanted kid associated with enlarged retrocaval lymph nodes.

Kid: kidney, M: male, F: female, DLBCL: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, PTLD: post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, EBV: Epstein-Barr virus, -ve: negative, LNs: lymphoid neoplasms, CT: computed tomography, US: ultrasound