1((epidemiology) OR (occurrence) OR (incidence) OR (survey) OR (frequency) OR (rates or statistics) OR (surveillance))3, 850,555
2((pelvic floor dysfunction) OR (pelvic floor defect) OR (pelvic organ prolapse) OR (uterine prolapse) OR (genital prolapse) OR (ureterocele)OR (rectocele) OR (cystocele) OR (rectal prolapse) OR (bladder prolapse))10,990
3((Afghanistan) OR (Bahrain) OR (Djibouti) OR (Egypt) OR (Iran) OR (Islamic Republic of Iraq) OR (Jordan) OR (Kuwait) OR (Lebanon) OR (Libya) OR (Morocco) OR (Oman) OR (Pakistan) OR (Palestine) OR (Qatar) OR (Saudi Arabia) OR (Somalia) OR (Sudan) OR (Syrian Arab Republic) OR (Tunisia) OR (United Arab Emirates) OR (Yemen) OR (Middle East) OR (Eastern Mediterranean))540,633
4((epidemiology) OR (occurrence) OR (incidence) OR (survey) OR (frequency) OR (rates or statistics) OR (surveillance)) AND ((pelvic floor dysfunction) OR (pelvic floor defect) OR (pelvic organ prolapse) OR (uterine prolapse) OR (genital prolapse) OR (uterocele)OR (rectocele) OR (cystocele) OR (rectal prolapse) OR (bladder prolapse))) AND ((Afghanistan) OR (Bahrain) OR (Djibouti) OR (Egypt) OR (Iran) OR (Islamic Republic of Iraq) OR (Jordan) OR (Kuwait) OR (Lebanon) OR (Libya) OR (Morocco) OR (Oman) OR (Pakistan) OR (Palestine) OR (Qatar) OR (Saudi Arabia) OR (Somalia) OR (Sudan) OR (Syrian Arab Republic) OR (Tunisia) OR (United Arab Emirates) OR (Yemen) OR (Middle East) OR (Eastern Mediterranean))250