- Comparative vaccine side effects related to participants’ infection status before vaccination.
Infected before vaccinated | Yes | No | P-value |
Hospitalized due to severe symptoms | 10 (43) | 13 (57) | 0.655 |
Severe symptoms but not hospitalized | 79 (33) | 160 (67) | 0.853 |
Long-lasting post-injection inflammation | 50 (39) | 79 (61) | 0.410 |
Temporary post-injection inflammation | 126 (26) | 368 (74) | 0.095 |
Fever | 133 (33) | 275 (67) | 0.961 |
Musculoskeletal pain | 148 (31) | 335 (69) | 1.000 |
Sore throat | 25 (43) | 33 (57) | 0.342 |
Congestion | 13 (33) | 27 (68) | 0.996 |
Diarrhea | 11 (42) | 15 (58) | 0.814 |
Conjunctivitis | 6 (43) | 8 (57) | 0.576 |
Headache | 93 (31) | 207 (69) | 0.517 |
Anosmia | 15 (68) | 7 (32) | 0.007 |
Ageusia | 14 (67) | 7 (33) | 0.011 |
Difficulty in communicating | 1 (10) | 9 (90) | 0.711 |
Difficulty in movement | 35 (33) | 72 (67) | 0.993 |
Allergy and rash | 6 (43) | 8 (57) | 0.199 |
Dyspnea | 10 (28) | 26 (72) | 0.613 |
Chest pain | 18 (42) | 25 (58) | 0.472 |
No symptoms | 41 (18) | 184 (82) | 0.002 |
Total | 834 (31) | 1858 (69) | 0.655 |
Values are presented as number and percentages (%). P-value of 0.05 was considered significant.