Table 4

- Comparative vaccine side effects related to participants’ infection status before vaccination.

Infected before vaccinatedYesNoP-value
Hospitalized due to severe symptoms10 (43)13 (57)0.655
Severe symptoms but not hospitalized79 (33)160 (67)0.853
Long-lasting post-injection inflammation50 (39)79 (61)0.410
Temporary post-injection inflammation126 (26)368 (74)0.095
Fever133 (33)275 (67)0.961
Musculoskeletal pain148 (31)335 (69)1.000
Sore throat25 (43)33 (57)0.342
Congestion13 (33)27 (68)0.996
Diarrhea11 (42)15 (58)0.814
Conjunctivitis6 (43)8 (57)0.576
Headache93 (31)207 (69)0.517
Anosmia15 (68)7 (32)0.007
Ageusia14 (67)7 (33)0.011
Difficulty in communicating1 (10)9 (90)0.711
Difficulty in movement35 (33)72 (67)0.993
Allergy and rash6 (43)8 (57)0.199
Dyspnea10 (28)26 (72)0.613
Chest pain18 (42)25 (58)0.472
No symptoms41 (18)184 (82)0.002
Total834 (31)1858 (69)0.655

Values are presented as number and percentages (%). P-value of 0.05 was considered significant.