Table 1

- Demographic characteristics of the study participants.

CharacteristicsTotal n=2942Preterm n=1471Term n=1471t/P
Maternal age*30.20±5.20230.50±5.58929.89±4.765<0.001
<2056 (1.9)40 (2.7)16 (1.1)<0.001
20-342252 (76.5)1075 (73.1)1177 (80.0) 
≥35634 (21.6)356 (24.2)278 (18.9) 
Unipara1448 (49.2)658 (44.7)790 (53.7)<0.001
Multipara1494 (50.8)813 (55.3)681 (46.3) 
Han2777 (94.4)1373 (93.3)1404 (95.4)0.013
Others165 (5.6)98 (6.7)67 (4.6) 
Maternal Education
Middle school or below787 (26.7)467 (31.7)320 (21.8)<0.001
High school688 (23.4)377 (5.6)311 (21.1) 
University or above1467 (49.9)627 (42.6)840 (57.1) 
Residence during pregnancy
City1482 (50.4)650 (44.2)832 (56.6)<0.001
Small town1062 (36.1)568 (38.6)494 (33.6) 
Countryside398 (13.5)253 (17.2)145 (9.8) 
Family income monthly per person (yuan)
<2,000224 (7.6)141 (9.6)83 (5.6)<0.001
2,000-10,0002115 (71.9)1053 (71.6)1062 (72.2) 
>10,000603 (20.5)277 (18.8)326 (22.2) 
  • Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).

  • * mean±standard deviation