Table 2

- The hematological parameters of less prevalent cardiovascular disease (CVD) groups.

Hematological parametersASPericarditisMRRHDPulmonary HTNWPWAFDVT
Median, p-value
WBC (×103/µL)6.19, (0.84)8.19, (0.08)6.67, (>0.99)7.72, (0.52)6.02, (0.81)9.93, (0.03*)8.6, (0.19)8.45
RBC (×106/µL)4.75, (0.001)*5.79, (0.79)5.19, (0.15)4.81, (0.03)*5.35, (0.97)5.24, (0.14)5.04, (0.05)4.64
HBG (g/dL)14.8, (0.01)*16.15, (0.77)14.99, (0.03)*14.7, (0.05)15.5, (0.91)15.36, (0.57)14.47, (0.04)*12.85
HCT (%)43.3, (0.002)*47.19, (0.77)43.7, (0.01)*43.2, (0.03)*46.4, (>0.99)44.95, (0.34)43.4, (0.04)*38.5
MCV (fL)88.65, (0.08)88.53, (0.82)76.6, (0.12)89.8, (0.13)86.6, (0.62)85.7, (0.92)86.28, (0.99)83.03
MCH (pg)30.45, (0.048)*29.87, (0.69)26.3, (0.21)30.6, (0.25)28.99, (0.81)29.3, (>0.99)28.75, (0.77)27.72
MCHC (g/dL)34.63, (0.23)34.23, (0.52)34.3, (0.9)34.1, (0.89)33.43, (0.18)34.1, (0.94)33.29, (0.13)33.39
RDW (%)14.23, (0.71)13.7, (0.48)15.5, (0.36)13.4, (0.51)16.9, (0.22)15.75, (0.9)13.49, (0.2)14.69
PLT (×103/µL)193.65, (0.32)244.8, (0.67)266.4, (0.9)242.1, (0.68)263.5, (0.91)190.9, (0.01)*285.2, (0.57)245.4
MPV (fL)8.65, (0.60)7.54, (0.01)*8.68, (0.44)9.56, (0.71)7.54, (0.05)10.6, (0.03)*8.21, (0.17)9.86

*Statistically significant. WBC: white blood cells, RBC: red blood cells, HGB: hemoglobin, HCT: hematocrit, MCV: mean corpuscular volume, MCH: mean corpuscular hemoglobin, MCHC: mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, RDW: Red distribution width, PLT: count, MPV: mean platelet volume, AS: Aortic stenosis, MR: mitral regurgitation, RHD: rheumatic heart disease, HTN: hypertension, WPW: Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, AF: atrial fibrillation, DVT: deep vein thrombosis