Table 3

- Comparison between Surgicel plug and Endoclose techniques in regards to the basic demographic and other related characteristics of the patients (N=397).

FactorSurgical techniqueP-value*
Surgicel plug (n=176)Endoclose (n=221)
Age group in years
≤40 years82 (46.6)140 (63.3)0.001**
>40 years94 (53.4)81 (36.7)
Male85 (48.3)79 (35.7)0.012 **
Female91 (51.7)142 (64.3)
Body mass index level
Normal or underweight15 (08.5)49 (22.2)<0.001 **
Overweight or obese161 (91.5)172 (77.8)
Previous abdominal surgery
Yes26 (14.8)73 (33.0)<0.001 **
No150 (85.2)148 (67.0)
Yes39 (22.2)68 (30.8)0.055
No137 (77.8)153 (69.2)
Yes46 (26.1)61 (27.6)0.630
No130 (73.9)159 (71.9)
Yes15 (08.5)03 (01.4)0.001 **
No161 (91.5)218 (98.6)
Follow up complication
No complication170 (96.6)218 (98.6)0.064
Port-site hernia04 (02.3)0
Wound infection002 (0.90%)

Values are presented as number and percentages (%). *P-value has been calculated using Chi-square test. **Significant at p<0.05 level.