Table 3

- The proportion of gender, diabetes, and revascularization according to event types.

VariablesSTEMI n=91 Correlation (p)NSTEMI n=93 Correlation (p)Angina n=81 Correlation (p)
Age, mean (SD)-0.079 (0.199)0.109 (0.076)-0.031 (0.611)
Gender, male0.174 (0.004)*0.045 (0.467)-0.225 (<0.001)*
Diabetes0.207 (0.001)*0.093 (0.131)0.119 (0.053)
Total cholesterol0.245 (<0.001)*0.153 (0.013)*0.094 (0.128)
HDL0.042 (0.498)-0.134 (0.029)*0.093 (0.130)
LDL0.306 (<0.001)*0.139 (0.024)*0.173 (0.005)*
Triglycerides-0.116 (0.059)0.004 (0.949)0.125 (0.043)*
TG/HDL-0.122 (0.048)*0.069 (0.264)0.061 (0.326)
TC/HDL0.069 (0.260)-0.021 (0.731)-0.048 (0.440)
LDL/HDL0.136 (0.027)-0.056 (0.366)-0.083 (0.179)
Troponin level on admission0.368 (<0.001)*-0.104 (0.179)-0.255 (0.001)*
Revascularization-0.148 (0.016)*0.042 (0.495)0.109 (0.078)

Values are presented a number and percentages (%). NSEMI: non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, STEMI: ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction,*significant, HDL: high-density lipoprotein, LDL: low-density lipoprotein, TG: triglyceride, TC: total-cholesterol