Table 3

- Factors associated with incidence of complications post-op.

VariablesIncidence of complication post-opP-value
Age (mean, standard deviation)36.09±1337.52±13.410.560
Gender (n, %)0.676
Male851 (97.7)20 (2.3) 
Female501 (98)10 (2.0) 
Nationality (n, %)0.329
Saudi1274 (97.9)27 (2.1) 
Non-Saudi78 (96.3)3 (3.7) 
Smoking status (n, %)0.339
Smoker111 (99.1)1 (0.9) 
Non-smoker1254 (97.7)29 (2.3) 
Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (n, %)0.765
Yes61 (98.4)1 (1.6) 
No1304 (97.8)29 (2.2) 
Asthma (n, %)0.550
Yes387 (97.5)10 (2.5) 
No978 (98)20 (2.0) 
Allergic rhinitis (n, %)0.090
Yes209 (96.3)8 (3.7) 
No1156 (98.1)22 (1.9) 
Diabetes (n, %)0.161
Yes62 (95.4)3 (4.6) 
No1303 (98)27 (2) 
Hypertension (n, %)0.751
Yes73 (97.3)2 (2.7) 
No1292 (97.9)28 (2.1) 
Medically free (n, %)0.074
Yes1162 (98.1)22 (1.9) 
No203 (96.3)8 (3.8) 
Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis366 (97.1)11 (2.9) 
Chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyposis763 (97.6)19 (2.4) 
Primary surgeon (n, %)0.303
Rhinologist1247 (97.7)29 (2.3) 
Non-rhinologist118 (99.2)1 (0.8) 
Starting time of the operation (n, %)0.037*
Morning879 (97.2)25 (2.8) 
Afternoon473 (99.0)5 (1.0) 
Extent of surgery (n, %)0.518
Minimal endoscopic sinus surgery440 (98.2)8 (1.8) 
Full house925 (97.7)22 (2.3) 
Laterality (n, %)0.049*
Unilateral156 (100)0 (0) 
Bilateral1209 (97.6)30 (2.4) 
CT guidance (n, %)0.381
Used1148 (97.7)27 (2.3) 
Not used217 (98.6)3 (1.4) 
Type of surgery (n, %)0.137
Primary1076 (97.6)27 (2.4) 
Revision289 (99.0)3 (1.0) 
Septoplasty (n, %)0.056
Done715 (97.1)21 (2.9) 
Not done650 (98.6)9 (1.4) 
Actual surgery duration (in minutes) (mean, standard deviation)190.04±74.63222.17±70.030.022*
Post-op length of stay (in days) (mean, standard deviation)0.78±0.561.17±1.09< 0.001*
Total Lund Mucky Score (mean, standard deviation)13.8±7.2311.23±6.800.054
*Significant at level 0.05