Table 4

- Linear Regression analysis of the association between age and physical activity.

CharacteristicsModel 1Model 2Model 3
Number of NCDs-2.060.410.00-1.600.490.00-1.560.500.00
Age (continuous)   -
Gender (Female vs. male)
Nationality (non-Saudi vs. Saudi)   8.2010.410.435.8710.390.57
Marital status (Unmarried vs. married)   1.727.500.813.307.440.65
Educational level (Illiterate or primary vs. high school or above)   14.508.370.0810.778.400.20
Employment status (Unemployed vs. retired or employed)   -0.999.560.91-3.719.570.69
Residence (Rural or urban)      -7.456.780.27
Smoking (no vs. yes)      -8.083.640.02
BMI, (underweight-normal, overweight- obese)      -2.173.990.58
R2   0.21  0.26  0.32
  • vs.: versus, SE: standard Error, NCDs: non-communicable diseases, BMI: body mass index, R2: R-squared