Table 1

- Demographic data of the study participants.

Variablesn (%)
Age (years), mean±SDn=278, 57.0±12.9
Male208 (74.8)
Female70 (25.2)
Level of education
High school or less107 (38.5)
University education151 (54.3)
Higher education20 (7.2)
Number of doctor visits in one year
None52 (18.7)
167 (24.1)
289 (32.0)
3 or more70 (25.2)
History of smoking
Yes130 (46.8)
No148 (53.2)
Family support
Yes135 (48.6)
No143 (51.4)
  • Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%). SD: standard deviation