Table 1

- Comparison of platelet volume indices, the number of analgesic drug administrations in the first 24 hours and 24-72 hours postoperatively, and the amount of edema on the first and third days according to gender.

CharacteristicsGenderTest statistics
Male M (IQR)Female M (IQR)zP-value
The amount of edema on the first day postoperatively (cm2) (T1-0)21.29 (11.11)21.71 (15.66)0.4980.619
The amount of edema on the third day postoperatively (cm2) (T3-0)17.32 (8.67)21.26 (13.11)1.0510.293
Number of IV analgesic drug applications for the first 24 hours postoperatively4.0 (2.0)4.0 (2.0)0.1930.847
Number of IV analgesic drug applications in the 24-72 hours postoperatively2.0 (0.5)3.0 (1.0)1.8860.059
PLT257.0 (67.0)292.0 (81.5)1.9910.047
MPV10.00 (0.30)10.00 (0.00)1.7690.077
PDW11.00 (3.00)12.00 (2.00)0.9700.332
PCT0.20 (0.05)0.30 (0.10)1.9610.049
PLCR25.90 (8.05)28.50 (6.55)1.7030.089
  • M: median value, IQR: inter-quartile ranges, z: Mann-Whitney U test standardized test statistic, PLT: platelet count, MPV: mean platelet volume, PDW: platelet distribution width, PCT: plateletcrit, PLCR: platelet large cell ratio, IV: intravenous line