Domains | Items | Cronbach’s alpha | CR | AVE |
Domain 1: Pain | 1. Been unable to go to social events because of the pain? | 0.97 | 0.96 | 0.74 |
2. Been unable to do jobs around the home because of the pain? | ||||
3. Found it difficult to stand because of the pain? | ||||
4. Found it difficult to sit because of the pain? | ||||
5. Found it difficult to walk because of the pain? | ||||
6. Found it difficult to exercise or perform the leisure activities you would like to because of the pain? | ||||
7. Lost your appetite or been unable to eat because of the pain? | ||||
8. Been unable to sleep properly because of the pain? | ||||
9. Had to go to bed/lie down because of the pain? | ||||
10. Been unable to do the things you want to do because of the pain? | ||||
11. Felt unable to cope with the pain? | ||||
Domain 2: Control & Powerlessness | 14. Felt frustrated because you are unable to control your symptoms? | 0.91 | 0.90 | 0.71 |
15. Felt unable to forget your symptoms? | ||||
16. Felt as though your symptoms are ruling your life? | ||||
17. Felt your symptoms are taking away your life? | ||||
Domain 3: Emotional well-being | 18. Felt depressed? | 0.92 | 0.91 | 0.65 |
19. Felt weepy/tearful? | ||||
20. Felt miserable? | ||||
21. Had mood swings? | ||||
22. Felt bad-tempered or short-tempered? | ||||
23. Felt violent or aggressive? | ||||
Domain 4: Social support | 24. Felt unable to tell people how you feel? | 0.92 | 0.92 | 0.74 |
25. Felt that others do not understand what you are going through? | ||||
26. Felt as though others think you are moaning? | ||||
27. Felt alone? | ||||
Domain 5: Self-image | 28. Felt frustrated as you cannot always wear the clothes you would choose to wear? | 0.89 | 0.88 | 0.72 |
29. Felt your appearance has been affected? | ||||
30. Lacked confidence? | ||||
Total: 0.963 |
CR: composite reliability, AVE: average variance extracted