Appendix 1

- Medically necessary, time-sensitive scoring system.5

Procedure factors
OR time (min)<3031-6061-120121-180≥181
Estimated LOSOutpatient<23 h24-48 h2-3 d≥4 d
Postoperative ICU need (%)Very unlikely<55-1011-25>25
Anticipated blood loss (cc)<100100-250250-500500-750≥751
Surgical team size (n)12345
Intubation probability (%)≤11-56-1011-25>25
Surgical siteNoneAbdomino-pelvic MISAbdomino-pelvic open surgery, infraumbilicalAbdomino-pelvic open surgery, supraumbilicalOHNS/upper GI/thoracic
Disease factors
Nonoperative treatment option effectivenessNone availableAvailable, <40% as effective as surgeryAvailable, 40-60% as effective as surgeryAvailable, 61-95% as effective as surgeryAvailable, equally effective
Nonoperative treatment option resource/exposure riskSignificantlyworse/not applicableSomewhat worseEquivalentSomewhat betterSignificantly better
Impact of 2-wk delay in disease outcomeSignificantly worseWorseModerately worseSlightly worseNo worse
Impact of 2-wk delay in surgical difficulty/riskSignificantly worseWorseModerately worseSlightly worseNo worse
Impact of 6-wk delay in disease outcomeSignificantly worseWorseModerately worseSlightly worseNo worse
Impact of 6-wk delay in surgical difficulty/riskSignificantly worseWorseModerately worseSlightly worseNo worse
Patient factors
Age, years<2021-4041-5051-65>65
Lung disease (asthma, COPD, CF)None--Minimal (rare inhaler)>Minimal
Obstructive sleep apneaNot present--Mild/moderate (no CPAP)On CPAP
CV disease (HTN, CHF, and CAD)NoneMinimal (no meds)Mild (one med)Moderate (2 meds)Severe (≥3 meds)
DiabetesNone-Mild (no meds)Moderate (PO meds only)>Moderate (insulin)
ILI symptomsNone (asymptomatic)---Yes
Exposure to a COVID-19 person in past 14 daysNoProbably notPossiblyProbablyYes
  • * Hematologic malignancy, stem cell transplant, solid organ transplant, active/recent cytotoxic chemotherapy, anti-TNFa or other immunosuppressants, >20 mg prednisone equivalent/day, congenital immunodeficiency, hypogammaglobulinemia on intravenous immunoglobulin, and AIDS.

  • Such as fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, and diarrhea.

  • OR: operating room, min: minutes, LOS: length of stay, h: hours, d: days, ICU: intensive care unit, MIS: minimally invasive surgery, OHNS: otolaryngology, head & neck surgery, GI: gastrointestinal, wk: week, COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CF: cystic fibrosis, CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure, CV: cardiovascular, HTN: hypertension, CHF: congestive heart failure, CAD: coronary artery disease, meds: medication, PO: by mouth, ILI: influenza-like illness, COVID-19: coronavirus disease-19