AuthorsPatients with ODPatients with OD + GDMode of collecting dataObjective assessment of ODOnset of OD (days)Duration of OD (days)Recovery time (days)Treatment given
Horvath et al8766/102 (65.0%) Hyposmia-23.0%; anosmia42.0%75/102 (74.0%)Online questionnaire-----
Shaikh et al8834/1070 Hyposmia-3.2% Anosmia-7.3%150 (14.0%)Questionnaire-----
Khan et al89Anosmia/hyposmia 19/224 (8.4%)64/224 (28.6%)QuestionnaireUPSIT function scores normal-142 (63.4%); mild hyposmia 39 (17.4%); moderate hyposmia 18 (8.0%); severe hyposmia 13 (5.8%); anosmia 12 (5.4%)Within 5 days-(58/102 (56.8%) First sign-10.1% Sudden in onset-7.1%---
Lee et al90Anosmia-89/350 (25.4%) Hyposmia-56/350 (16.0%)-Telephone-First symptom-10%-4 weeks (90.4%)-
Koul et al9183/231 (55.33%) Anosmia-57.3%; hyposmia-28.7%46/231 (30.7%)Questionnaire---1 month (78.0%)-
Kandemirli et al92Anosmia-23/23-QuestionnaireSniffin’ Sticks test Threshold-1 (1±2.25); discrimination-2 (0±3); identification-3 (0±4); TDI-4 (1±8.5)Sudden onset-4/23; after-12 concomitant-07---
Altundag et al93Anosmia/hyposmia-80/135 (59.3%)-TelephoneVAS scores-Group 1-8.4±1.9; Group 2-7.6±2; Group 3-6.2±2.6-7.8±3.1 (2-15) daysGroup 1/2/3-28.6%/50.0%/66.7%-
Dev et al94Anosmia-53/55 (96.0%)39 (71.0%)Medical recordsMean VAS scores 5.52±2.087 days-30 days 
Korkmaz et al95Anosmia/hyposmia-43/116 (37.9%)-Questionnaire-----
Babaei et al96Anosmia-207/235 (88.5%)-4 weeks and 219 (93.2%)-8 weeks-Interview-First symptom-23 (9.8%); Onset (mean)-3.88 day-19.42±8.81 days-
Nouchi et al97Hyposmia 129/390 (33.0%)106 (27.0%)Telephone---Persistent hyposmia-34.0%-
Polat et al98Anosmia 72/217 (33.2%)-Interview-3 (1-13) days-13 (3-30) days-
Renaud et al9943/51 (84.3%) Anosmia 23 (45.1%) Hyposmia 27 (52.9%) Parosmia 14 (27.5%) Phantosmia 13 (25.5%)-QuestionnaireCCCRC-QOD scores ranges 0-10/11-25/26-50/51-75/76-90/91-95/96-t-5 (9.8%)/3 (5.8%)/9 (17.7%)/9 (17.7%)/13 (25.5%)/5 (9.8%)/7 (13.7%) Identification test-5 (9.8%)/5 (9.8%)/6 (11.8%)/7 (13.7%)/9 (17.7%)/9 (17.7%)/10 (19.5%)/--After 4 months-<15/16-30/30-60/60-90-11(47.8%)/5 (21.7%)/6 (26.1%)/1 (4.4%)-
Rizzo et al100110/202 (60.1%) Normosmia 58 (28-34) Microsmia 77 (16-27) Anosmia-10 (5-15)-TelephoneCAUPSIT score-25.5; mildly microsmic-54(37.2%); moderately microsmic 16 (11.0%); severely microsmic-7 (4.8%); anosmic 10 (6.9%)--Complete resolution/partial/no improvement 85 (77.3%)/22 (20.0%)/3 (2.7%)-

OD: olfactory dysfunction, GD: gustatory dysfunction, UPSIT: University of Pennsylvania smell identification test, TDI: olfactory test, VAS: visual analog scale, CCCRC-QOD: connecticut chemosensory clinical research center - questionnaire of olfactory disorders, CAUPSIT: culturally adapted University of Pennsylvania smell identification test