Table 1

- Incidence of different types of hip maturity in the whole cohort and according to the gender and origin.

VariablesMature groupDDH groupImmature group
Cohort316 (89.3)6 (1.7)32 (9.0)
Female gender149 (85.1)5 (2.9)*21 (12.0)§,
Male gender167 (93.3)1 (0.6)*11 (6.1)§
GCC149 (87.6)5 (2.9)**16 (9.5)
Non-GCC167 (90.9)1 (0.5)**16 (8.6)
GCC female62 (78.5)5 (6.3)12 (15.2)
Non-GCC female86 (90.6)0 (0.0)9 (9.3)

Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).

DDH: developmental dysplasia of the hip, GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council

  • * P-value of 0.034,

  • ** p-value of 0.076,

  • p-value of 0.01,

  • p-value of 0.0465, and

  • § p-value of 0.483.