Table 2

- Characteristics of body-contouring surgeries and participants’ attitudes towards these surgeries.

Parametersn (%)
Type of the body-contouring surgery*
Trunk aesthetic surgery42 (67.7)
Breast aesthetic surgery22 (35.5)
Extremity aesthetic surgery20 (32.3)
Liposuction0 (0.0)
Facial aesthetic surgery5 (8.1)
Lower body lift10 (16.1)
Others7 (11.3)
Satisfaction with the result(s) of aesthetic surgery*
Poor12 (19.4)
Fair24 (38.7)
Very good24 (38.7)
Missing2 (3.2)
How was body contouring surgery paid for?*
Out of pocket59 (95.2)
Insurance or government3 (4.8)
Would consider plastic surgery in the future
Yes220 (57.4)
Desire for body-contouring surgery
Yes231 (51.9)
Barriers to body-contouring surgery
Cost229 (51.5)
Had no desire72 (16.2)
Intent to lose more weight33 (7.4)
Risks of additional surgery64 (14.4)
Was not recommended by doctors22 (4.7)
Underwent surgeries before8 (25.0)
Male doctors3 (9.4)
Marks after surgery2 (6.3)
Health problems1 (3.1)
Need more details1 (3.1)
Pregnancy1 (3.1)

Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).

  • * Responses are based on 62 participants who underwent a body-contouring surgery.

  • Responses are based on 383 participants who did not undergo a body-contouring surgery.