Table 1

- Characteristics of the included patients (N=365).

Parametersn (%)
Family Medicine347 (95.1)
Gastroenterology12 (3.3)
General Surgery6 (1.6)
Age, mean±SD56.2±15.7
Male194 (53.2)
Female171 (46.8)
Symptoms indicating need for colonoscopy
Change in bowel habits >6 weeks130 (35.6)
Abdominal pain111 (30.4)
Anemia73 (20.1)
Constipation54 (14.8)
Weight loss49 (13.5)
Bloating46 (12.6)
Rectal bleeding45 (12.3)
Blood mixed with stool41 (11.2)
Diarrhea23 (6.3)
Melena10 (2.7)
Risk factors for CRC
Age ≥45 years284 (77.8)
Family history of colorectal cancer44 (12.1)
Colorectal cancer or polyps16 (4.4)
IBD7 (1.9)
Radiation to the abdomen or pelvic area to treat a prior cancer3 (0.8)
Confirmed or suspected hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome*0 (0.0)

Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%). SD: standard deviation, CRC: colorectal cancer, IBD: inflammatory bowel disease