Table 2

- Ultrasound characteristics of the thyroid gland of the 38 RA patients.

CharacteristicsRight lobuleLeft lobule
Presence of nodule
One nodule8 (21.0)7 (18.0)
≥3 nodules7 (18.0)6 (16.0)
Size of the nodules (mm), mean±SD*3.53±11.26 to 3.88±12.540.57±1.27 to 1.39±4.096
Nature of nodules
Complex6 (40.0)2 (15.0)
Solid8 (53.0)9 (70.0)
Cystic nodule1 (7.0)2 (15.0)
Nodules borders
Definite borders12 (80.0)11 (85.0)
Irregular borders3 (20.0)2 (5.0)
Heterogenous4 (10.0)6 (16.0)
Homogenous34 (90.0)32 (84.0)
hypervascularity5 (13.0)6 (16.0)
Macrocalcification1 (3.0)5 (13.0)
Microcalcification0 (0.0)1 (3.0)

Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%). SD: standrad deviation