Table 1

- Demographic data of 1724 study participants.

Demographic categoriesn (%)
Females956 (55.4)
Males768 (44.5)
Age (years)
16 - >19982 (56.9)
19-22742 (43.0)
Foundation year212 (12.2)
College of medicine754 (43.7)
College of nursing456 (26.4)
College of clinical pharmacy213 (12.3)
College of dentistry89 (5.16)
Body mass index
Underweight256 (14.8)
Normal weight968 (56.1)
Overweight + obese500 (29.0)
Sleep duration
Short sleepers393 (22.8)
Normal sleepers959 (55.6)
Long sleepers372 (21.6)
Physical activity
Inactive539 (31.0)
Active1185 (68.7)
Number of meals (day)
Consuming ≥3 meals/day553 (32.0)
Consuming ≤3 meals/day1171 (67.9)
Intake of junk food
Consuming junk food ≥5 days/week883 (51.2)
Consuming junk food <5 days/week841 (48.7)

Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).