Table 2

- Sleep disturbance in different group.

VariablesTotal (N)Difficulties initiating sleepDifficulties maintaining sleepEarly awakingInsomniaSubjective impairmentIrregular sleep-wake type
Male652307 (47.1)252 (38.7)258 (39.6)155 (23.8)249 (38.2)145 (22.2)
Female1321420 (31.8)332 (25.1)336 (25.4)157 (11.9)350 (26.5)133 (10.1)
P-values 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000
Higher education students
University1138458 (40.3)377 (33.1)379 (33.3)217 (19.1)388 (34.1)194 (17.0)
College835268 (32.1)207 (24.8)215 (25.7)95 (11.4)211 (25.3)84 (10.1)
P-values 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000
Undergrade year of study
Freshman546148 (27.1)121 (22.2)114 (20.9)48 (8.8)131 (24.0)36 (6.6)
Sophomores/junior940300 (40.5)229 (30.9)237 (32.0)128 (17.3)233 (39.0)115 (15.5)
Senior487279 (40.7)234 (34.1)243 (35.4)136 (19.8)235 (39.3)121 (18.5)
P-values 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000
Depression history
Yes12659 (46.8)52 (41.3)48 (38.1)26 (20.6)48 (38.1)27 (21.4)
No1847668 (36.2)532 (28.8)546 (29.6)245 (13.3)541 (29.3)244 (13.2)
P-values 0.0160.0030.0430.0200.0370.010
Academic stress
Yes951398 (41.8)344 (36.2)336 (35.3)182 (19.1)295 (31.0)164 (17.2)
No1022329 (32.2)240 (23.5)258 (25.2)130 (12.7)240 (23.5)114 (11.1)
P-values 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000
Major life events
Yes796312 (39.2)262 (32.9)271 (34.0)142 (17.8)263 (33.0)127 (15.9)
No1177407 (34.6)322 (27.4)323 (27.4)170 (14.4)336 (28.5)150 (12.7)
P-values 0.0370.0080.0020.0430.0330.044
Bad bedroom environment
Yes995449 (45.1)375 (37.7)365 (36.7)209 (21.0)367 (36.9)187 (18.7)
No978278 (28.4)209 (21.4)229 (23.4)103 (10.5)232 (23.7)91 (9.3)
P-values 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000

Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).