Table 5

- Mean macular thickness, macular volume and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in the pediatric population in the literature compared to the results of the current study.

SourceOCTPopulationnAge (years)Mean macular thickness (μm) (SD)Macular volume, mm3 (SD)Mean RNFL thickness (μm) (SD)
Our studyCirrus HD-OCTSaudis1354-18275.9 (17.7)9.9 (0.6)93.88 (10.0)
Al-Haddad et al 14Cirrus HD-OCTLebanese1136-17279.6 (12.5)10.1 (0.5)96 (8.7)
Barrio-Barrio et al 12Cirrus HD-OCTSpanish2834-17283.6 (14.08)10.2 (0.49)97.4 (9.0)
Gürağaç et al 18Cirrus HD-OCTTurkish3183-17279.27 (12.59)9.97 (0.44)96.49 (10)
QUEIRÓS et al 3Cirrus HD-OCTCaucasian1534-17282.26 (11.59)10.17 (0.41)97.9 (9.32)
Ali et al 6Topcon SD-OCTEgyptian506-17276.4 (17.8)7.84 (0.48)111.26 (20.46)
Söhnel et al 5Spectralis SD-OCTGerman6954-<19320.53 (12.29)8.88 (0.35)102.88 (8.79)
Krumova et al 19SOCT Copernicus REVO SD-OCTCaucasian2706-17286.7 (9.82)8.01 (0.28)117.11 (9.51)

SD: standard deviation, SD-OCT: several studies used spectral-domain, RNFL: retinal nerve fiber layer