Table 1

- Characteristics of inpatients with Clostridioides difficile infection (n=130).

Epidemiological and outcome datan (%)
Male67 (51.5)
Female63 (48.5)
Pediatrics patients (≤14 years)23 (17.6) patients
Adults107 (82.4)
15-65 year old58 (44.7)
>65 year old49 (37.7)
Total CDI cases (n=139)
Incident cases130 (93.5) cases
Recurrent cases9 (6.5) cases
Hospital onset102 (73.4)
Community onset12 (8.7)
Community onset hospital associated25 (17.9)
Mean CDI incidence rate
Hospital wide1.62 cases/10000PD
ICUs3 cases/10000 PD
Oncology-SOT, HSCT2.72 cases/10000PD
Presence of CDI risk factors
Patients with zero risk factor3 (2.4)
Patients with 1-3 risk factors84 (64.6)
Patients with more 3 risk factors43 (33.0)
Antibiotic prescription at the moment of CDI diagnosis
Yes56 (40.2)
No83 (59.8)
CDI complications
Toxic mega colon2 (1.4) cases
Refractory colitis1 (0.7) case
28-day mortality rate5 (3.8)

Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).

CDI: Clostridioides difficile infection, ICU: intensive care unit, SOT: solid organ transplant, HSCT: hematopoietic stem cell transplant, PD: patient days