Table 3

- Postoperative course and outcomes (N=54).

Variablesn (%)
Primary 30-day outcomes
Stroke2 (3.7)
Mortality1 (1.9)
Secondary outcomes
Surgical site hematoma7 (12.9)
Seizure2 (3.7)
Hoarseness of voice1 (1.9)
Surgical site infection1 (1.9)
Acute coronary syndrome1 (1.9)
Not applicable (loss to follow-up)3 (7.4)
Not applicable (patient died)Mild restenosis1 (1.9)10 (18.5)
Moderate restenosis1 (1.9)
Severe restenosis1 (1.9)
Regression of disease37 (68.5)
Carotid floating thrombus1 (1.9)
ICU/HDU stay (days)1.98±4.22
Ward stay (days)11.9±11.3
Total hospital stays (days)13.9±12.9
Follow-up in months19.9±19.9
ICU/HDU admission
Yes27 (50.0)
No27 (50.0)

Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%) or mean ± standard deviation. ICU: intensive care unit, HDU: high dependency unit