Table 2

- Pneumothorax in human immunodeficiency virus group.

Parametersn (%)
Type of pneumothorax 
Simple6 (54.5%)
Tension5 (45.5%)
Treatment of pnx 
ICT insertion9 (81.8%)
Conservative2 (18.2%)
Site of ICT 
Right5 (45.5%)
Left1 (9.1%)
Bilateral3 (27.3%)
Number of ICTs 
Once5 (45.5%)
Twice3 (27.3%)
Three times1 (9.1%)
Duration of chest tubes (mean±standard deviation)39.3 ± 30.7 days
Recurrence of pneumothorax 
Yes1 (9.1%)
No3 (27.3%)
Not applicable7 (63.6%)
Thickened pleura with limited lung expansion2(18.2%)
Broncho pleural fistula1(9.1%)
None9 (81.8%)

ICT: intercostal tube, PNX: pneumothorax