Table 1

- Characteristics of deep vein thrombosis and non-deep vein thrombosis patients.

CharacteristicsDVT (n=28)Non-DVT (n=450)P-values
Age (mean±SD)57.32±21.752.35±19.40.194*
Older age >7011 (39.3)95 (21.1)0.025
Obesity8 (28.6)127 (28.6)0.98
Male15 (53.6)211 (46.9)0.56
Female13 (46.4)239 (53.1)
Active cancer6 (21.4)122 (27.1)0.510
Previous VTE8 (28.6)28 (6.2)0.000
Reduced mobility16 (57.1)167 (37.1)0.04
Heart failure4 (14.3)88 (19.6)0.493
Acute MI/ischemic stroke2 (7.1)57 (12.7)0.389
Acute infection7 (25.0)198 (44.0)0.049
Caprini score classification (low vs. high)14 (50.0) vs. 14 (50.0)317 (70.4) vs. 133 (29.6)0.023
Padua score classification (low vs. high)10 (35.7) vs. 18 (64.3)211 (46.9) vs. 239 (53.1)0.250

Values are presented as numbers and precentages or mean ± standard deviation (SD).

DVT: deep vein thrombosis, VTE: venous thromboembolism, MI: myocardial infarction, vs.: versus

  • * Independent sample t test.

  • Chi-square test.

  • Significant p-value of <0.05.