Table 1

- Summary statistics of the patient’s clinical and demographical data (N=38).

Variablesn (%)
AGE, mean (min-max)32.9 (19.0-45.0)
BMI, mean (min-max)32.4 (22.3-54.2)
APACHE 4 score, mean (min-max)49.9 (21.0-106.0)
Length admission (days), mean (min-max)28.1 (3.0-105.0)
Length ventilation admission (days), mean (min-max)16.1 (0.0-97.0)
Length ICU admission (days), mean (min-max)20.5 (1-101)
Lab tests upon admission, mean (minimum-maximum)
FiO2 (%)0.82 (0.4-1.0)
pO269.0 (44.9-177.0)
pCO237.0 (22.1-64.7)
Arterial pH7.4 (7.1-7.6)
Na+ (mEq/L)140.5 (135.0-154.0)
Urine output1225.1 (1.0-2380.0)
Creatinine (uml/l)38.9 (17.0-56.0)
Urea (mEq/L)3.7 (0.5-17.1)
BSL (mg/dL) glucose123.5 (86.4-209.0)
Albumin (g/L)27.5 (22.3-31.9)
Bilirubin (umol/L)11.0 (3.7-49.4)
Ht (%)31.6 (24.0-41.0)
WBC10.9 (4.7-20.5)
Ventilation on admission
HFNC21 (55.3)
MV13 (34.2)
NBM-15L3 (7.9)
SFM1 (2.6)
Did they receive HFNC during their stay
No14 (36.8)
Yes24 (63.2)
Did they receive tracheostomy during their stay
No34 (84.2)
Yes4 (15.8)
Did they receive MV during their stay
No9 (23.7)
Yes29 (76.3)
Did they receive ECMO during their stay
No26 (68.4)
Yes12 (31.6)
Maximum breathing support during ICU stay
HFNC9 (23.7)
MV17 (44.7)
ECMO+MV12 (31.6)
Patient’s outcome
Alive31 (84.2)
Died6 (15.8)
Trimester upon admission
Second18 (47.4)
Third20 (52.6)
Newborn’s outcome
Alive33 (86.8)
Died5 (13.2)
Patients’ comorbidity
No29 (76.3)
Yes9 (23.7)
BMI groups
Normal5 (13.2)
Obese24 (63.2)
Overweight9 (23.7)
Patient’s source
ER21 (55.3)
Transfer17 (44.7)
ICU admission prior to delivery
Day of delivery8 (21.0)
Pregnant30 (79.0)
PE status
No34 (84.2)
Yes4 (15.8)
DVT status
No36 (94.7)
Yes2 (5.3)

Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%) or mean (minimum-maximum). BMI: body mass index, APACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, ICU: intensive care unit, FiO2: raction of inspired oxygen, pO2: partial pressure of oxygen, pCO2: partial pressure of carbon dioxide, pH: potential of hydrogen, Na+: sodium, BSL: blood sugar test, Ht: hematocrit test, WBC: white blood cell, HFNC: high-flow nasal cannula, MV: mechanical ventilation, NBM-15L: non-rebreather mask, SFM: simple face mask, ECMO: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, ER: emergency room, PE: pulmonary embolism, DVT: deep vein thrombosis